Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Campfire with Nana - Video

July 10th - MacKenzie's first Bonfire was a good one. Although she was still too little to roast marshmallows, she had a fun time chatting with her Nana.

Da Bears

July 10th - Grampie's favorite football team is the Chicago Bears. So when he came to visit us he brought MacKenzie some appropriate attire.

MacKenzie's First Time in the Pool - Video

July 6th 2008 - I'm not totally sure that she LOVED her first time in the pool.

MacKenzie's Dedication Day

July 6th - MacKenzie had her dedication service at the church today. In celebration, a bunch of our friends came over to have a pool party afterward. Nana and Grampie were visiting from Nova Scotia so they could be there for the big day too.

Tired Little Girl

June 28th - This is MacKenzie and I checking out the new (used) lazyboy chair that I got at the church yard sale for $8. It is now in her nursery and it is our favorite feeding spot. Gotta love a good deal :-)

MacKenzie's First Art Project

June 28th - MacKenzie is painting 2 pictures, one for her daddy and one for her Nana.

There was absolutely no way to avoid getting dirty

So we just rolled up her sleeves and let her go

When she was done it looked beautiful. And it was straight into the bath for both of us.

First Time on Daddy's Airplane

June 21st - MacKenzie and I went out to the airport to visit Poul-Erik at work. Your uncle PE is a pilot Onyx. He flies a PC-12 plane for an air ambulance company called Air Bravo.

Here MacKenzie is being a good first officer and reading up on the company's SOP's

I looks like it's going to rain, time to go inside.

Where does the time go?

MacKenzie is already 2 Months Old and growing fast. She just loves playing outside and laying in the shade on warm days.

June 7th

MacKenzie and I spent the day out in our yard relaxing in the grass and enjoying the sun.

This was the first time she wore anything other than a sleeper. Your Aunt Tracy sent this little dress to MacKenzie and it was one of the only outfits that fit her.

Getting Bigger

May 7th - MacKenzie is just about 3 weeks old here. She is actually starting to fit into her hat a little better. She's having a afternoon nap on her mommy.

Nana's here

April 29th - Nana came for a visit to help me out. MacKenzie fit perfectly into her hands.

MacKenzie - 5 Days Old

April 29th - This gives you a pretty good indication of how little your baby cousin was Onyx. Kenzie is not much bigger thanUncle PE's hand.

She enjoyed her first bath but we needed to get a smaller towel. In fact, I think a face cloth would have covered her entire body.

Uncle PE trying to get his little baby girl to stop crying.

April 18th - MacKenzie is born

Welcome to the world MacKenzie Skye Binderup! This was just minutes after she was born. She was born at 10:30am and was so tiny - only 4lbs 11oz.

She was so small that her clothes and hat didn't even fit her.

We went home from the hospital at 2pm that day and our friends Adam and Lindsay had to go get us diapers and clothes that would fit Kenzie. Our cat Clancey was very interested to see the new addition to our family.

Wedding in Jamaica

March 2008 - Uncle PE and I went to our friends, Nick and Lindsay's, wedding in Jamaica. I am 7 months pregnant at this point and my feet were so swollen that only one pair of shoes fit me for the entire week. Lindsay is on the left, me in the middle, and our friend Lies on the right.

Here we are with the bride and groom in the gardens at the Sandals Resort.

We were playing with some rocks on the beach while we relaxed in the sun.

The ocean we soooo blue and the palm trees we beautiful.

This is the night of the wedding. The dinner, reception, and dance were out on the pier. It was amazing.


February 2nd 2007 - I am about 5 1/2 months in these pictures. I loved being pregnant and couldn't wait to meet our little baby girl in person in a few more months.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Remember to Thank God for Family

Christmas 2007 was a very special Christmas. We all live so far apart that it is hard to all be together at the same time. This was the very first time we were all together at Christmas, Nana and Grampie, your dad, and your Aunts Suzette, Tracy and me (Trudi).

Here are all the girls. First is me, then Tracy, then Suzette, and finally Nana.

For Christmas gifts to one another we made each other sock puppets. The idea was to try and represent the character of the person whose name you got in the form of a sock puppet. I think we did pretty good.

This is Uncle Poul-Eriks' family. His sister, brothers, mother and nephews are all having some Christmas snacks together.

A wonderful day indeed

December 13th - Poul-Erik and I went into the hospital for our first ultrasound. We got to see what our baby looked like while she was still inside my belly. Isn't she a cutie?

American Thanksgiving 2007

For American Thanksgiving we went to visit your Aunt Tracy, Uncle Jay, and cousins Emmalea and Bryce in The United States. We drove there with your Nana and Grampie and it was avery long drive - 22hours. They live in Elmira which is in the north part of the state of New York . Uncle Poul-Erik is trying to help emmalea put her shoe back on.

Grampie was teaching Bryce how to throw a football. Grampie is a BIG football fan.

We all pitched in to clean up the yard. Nana's doing a great job raking up the leaves.

Halloween 2007

Here we are at our Halloween party. Uncle Poul-Erik is always a Klingon. This year I was a construction worker. I wasn't feeling well so I didn't want to be a Klingon - the costume is too hot. We had a giant haunted house in our barn, it was soooo scary - everyone loved it.

Your 5th Birthday Video

In honor of your 5th birthday I got a cake and celebrated your life with some of my best friends. I told them all about you and how much I love you and they helped me sing happy birthday to you.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pregnancy Test

Here it is the big news, I'M PREGNANT!!!! We found out on September 22nd that we were going to be having a baby. We didn't know if it was going to be a boy or a girl. But only that we were having a baby, and we were so happy!!!

September 2007

I went home to Nova Scotia for a visit in September. One of the things I did was go to a concert of my favorite East Coast Folk artist - Dave Gunning. Here we are with Dave! On the left is one of my best friends Carrie, then me, Dave, another wonderful friend Michelle and your Nana on the end.

LAs Vegas - August 2007

For Uncle Poul-Erik's 40th birthday present he got to go to Las Vgas for a Star Trek Convention. Here he is with some of the characters from his favorite TV show.

He loves the show so much he even made his very own costume of one of his favorite characters - a Klingon. He won 3rd place in the costume contest and was very proud of himself.
We went to see all of the different attractions. This is at the gardens where they have real live Flamingos. We also saw sharks, lions and lots of other animals. There were rollercoasters, castles, pyramids and so many other things to do and see.

We took a day and drove out to the Grand Canyon. It was a very long drive but it was worth it.

What a view

Summer 2007

We spent ALL summer in our pool. It was a very hot year and it was great to be able to go for a dip everyday. We had lots of people over at our house cooling off with us.

Brrrr that's cold!!

Christmas 2006

Here we are still in our Jammies on Christmas morning. Poul-Erik and I went home to Nana and Grampie's house in Nova Scotia. We were up pretty early so we all look very tired in this picture. Poul-Erik always loves to wear the Santa hat on Christmas morning.

Halloween 2006

Your Uncles' favorite holiday is Halloween. We always decorate the entire house and have a big party. Here we are dressed up like Klingons. Poul-Erik is a very big fan of the Television show Star Trek. We are dressed up like his favorite aliens on that TV show. We are trying really hard to look mean because these aliens are warriors and they always look mean. But it was very hard not to laugh when you look like this.

Summer 2006

Alot of our days of the summer were spent out on our friend Ruarri's boat. Even though Lake Superior is very cold, even in the middle of summer, that didn't stop us from going swimming.

It was the perfect boat to do some fishing

Ruarri even let me drive it every once and a while.

Uncle Poul-Erik loved being out on the boat too. We spent alot of time with Ruarri that summer.