Saturday, March 29, 2014

Super Close Up

April 2nd - We are outside on our back deck playing around and blowing bubbles

Everyone say - Best Buddies

Hanging out with our best friends The Lindemans
Left to right : Ryleigh, Alexa, Ceighan, MacKenzie, Hugo and Kaj

Video - Bouncy Ball

East Coast Love

March 2012 - Visiting Nana and Grampy in Nova Scotia for the 2nd time since Alexa was born.

The new KCA playground (that's the school we went to as kids).

Are you talking to me?

Though it looks a little crazy - this was actually just MacKenzie and Grampy watching TV

Smiley Cutie Pie

 Alexa burying her toes in the sand at Kingsport Beach with Nana

Looking for periwinkles and throwing rocks in the Bay of Fundy

Teaching Alexa how to walk in a mambo train

Children's Science Museum in Halifax

A trip to the Dollar Store the day before jumping on the plane back to Thunder Bay

Before bed swim at the hotel

A Letter of Hope

Hi Onyx,
   Mom has been here in Thunder Bay visiting for the past week to help out with the girls while PE is away for work. I had surgery a couple of weeks ago so mom came to lend a hand while I recover. Yesterday your dad called to let her know about the dates that she would need to be in Montreal for the ongoing court cases for him to be able to see you. As I have been thinking about what might happen in the next couple of months for you I am both excited that your dad will finally get to see you and a little nervous about how hard this is going to be for you. I want you to know that I will be praying for you and your mom and your dad. I hope in the Lord for healing to take place and for your relationship with your dad to blossom. I hope in the Lord that truth might prevail, that humility and forgiveness would be bountiful. I hope in the Lord that grace would rule and reign in all our hearts and that we might be reconciled. I have great trust in my heavenly Father and I am really excited that our family might finally get to see you. I must admit that I have been longing for that day for a long time and I won't believe it until it happens. BUT I know that God's time is infinitely perfect and I am waiting patiently and expectantly. If the courts decided that your dad gets custody I will be really looking forward to seeing you in August when we come to Vancouver. For now, I will continue to hope and pray, trusting in God for your life and His plans for it. I love you Onyx!

Far Far and Far Mor

We went home to Nova Scotia for a visit in March. First we went to see PE's parents who live in Truro (about an hour and a half away from Nana and Grampy). PE's family is from Denmark - hence the name Poul-Erik Binderup. In Denmark the grandparents are called by the relation to the grandchildren. So Far Far means father's father and Far Mor means father's mother. So that is what MacKenzie and Alexa call them.

Above is Kaj (Far Far) and below is Joan (Far Mor)

Having lunch with Aunty Kilah

Tub Time is Fun Time

Alexa just got out of the bath tub and now is watching MacKenzie have a bath.

Breaking Through

March 2012 - 10 months old and the teeth are popping up like crazy.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Baby Back, Baby Back, Baby Back Ribs

Just like her big sister, Alexa is a meat lover. Who can resist Grampy's ribs from Paddy's? Nana and Grampy are both Chefs at sister restaurant in Nova Scotia. Every once and a while we bring some of their famous ribs back to Thunder Bay. Sooooo Yummy!!!

Karaoke Sunday

Our own private little disco Karaoke party

which consisted of singing a lot of "Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star" and "Jesus Loves Me"
over and over

Carla popped by for a quick visit and ,of course, a quick song

Rose Petal Bath

As a special treat MacKenzie got to have a rose petal bubble bath with the pedals from the roses PE gave me for Valentine's Day

Knock em Down

Family trip to the Bowling Alley
Go MacKenzie Go! Go MacKenzie Go! Go MacKenzie Go!
You're doing great MacKenzie

Playground Fun

Tea Time

MacKenzie was hanging out with Kimmy for the day.
Baking cookies, coloring and sipping tea was the days work.

That Was a Nice Visit

Our friend Steve had a Christian friend that needed a place to stay while he was handing out resumes. So this is Phil who came to stay with us for a bit while he was in Thunder Bay.

Our Girls


Snuggle City

Kenzie hanging out with our super great friend Mike

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Teething me Thinks!

This is hilarious - Alexa is noticing herself in the mirror for the first time

Chewing on everything because her teeth are bothering her